| Peer-Reviewed

Study on Antibacterial Activity of Cajanus cajan L. Against Coliforms Isolated from Industrial Waste Water in Bangladesh

Published in Plant (Volume 5, Issue 5-1)
Received: 7 July 2016     Accepted: 9 October 2016     Published: 18 October 2016
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Infectious diseases are one of the foremost causes of mortality and morbidity. In addition, day by day infection causing microbes are becoming resistant and modifying themselves into multi-drug resistant strains. So there is a crucial need to introduce new antibiotics to fight against these pathogens. The synthetic antibiotics are effective, but unsafe as well as are not consistent to use owing to the resistance building capacity of the microbes. Consequently, there is greater need for alternative treatments. Medicinal plants are store house of various types of phytochemicals and considered as a potential therapeutic remedy for numerous ailment. Therefore the aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the leaves extract of Cajanus cajan (C. cajan) L. against coliform bacteria collected from tannery, tobacco and sugar mill waste water. In this study fresh leaves of C. cajan was extracted by using ethyl acetate, chloroform and n-Hexane. The antibacterial activity of these plant extracts was determined by measuring zone of inhibition (ZI) using the Agar disk diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by using the microbroth dilution method. Among three extracts highest (25±0.18 mm, ZI) antibacterial activity was reported by ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves against coliform bacteria isolated from sugar mill waste water at the highest concentration with respect to chloroform and n-Hexane extracts. In addition, antibacterial activity was also higher for ethyl acetate extract against coliform bacteria isolated from tannery and tobacco waste water compared to remaining extracts. The MIC of the ethyl acetate extract ranged 550 to 570 µg/ml. Therefore ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves could be used as antibacterial agents against diseases caused by coliforms.

Published in Plant (Volume 5, Issue 5-1)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Phytotherapy

DOI 10.11648/j.plant.s.2017050501.12
Page(s) 13-18
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2016. Published by Science Publishing Group


Antibacterial Activity, Cajanus cajan, Coliforms, Multi-drug Resistant, Waste Water

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  • APA Style

    Md. Motiar Rahman, Md. Sahab Uddin, Md. Rashed Nejum, S. M. S. Al Din, G. M. Sala Uddin. (2016). Study on Antibacterial Activity of Cajanus cajan L. Against Coliforms Isolated from Industrial Waste Water in Bangladesh. Plant, 5(5-1), 13-18. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.plant.s.2017050501.12

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    ACS Style

    Md. Motiar Rahman; Md. Sahab Uddin; Md. Rashed Nejum; S. M. S. Al Din; G. M. Sala Uddin. Study on Antibacterial Activity of Cajanus cajan L. Against Coliforms Isolated from Industrial Waste Water in Bangladesh. Plant. 2016, 5(5-1), 13-18. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.s.2017050501.12

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    AMA Style

    Md. Motiar Rahman, Md. Sahab Uddin, Md. Rashed Nejum, S. M. S. Al Din, G. M. Sala Uddin. Study on Antibacterial Activity of Cajanus cajan L. Against Coliforms Isolated from Industrial Waste Water in Bangladesh. Plant. 2016;5(5-1):13-18. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.s.2017050501.12

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      abstract = {Infectious diseases are one of the foremost causes of mortality and morbidity. In addition, day by day infection causing microbes are becoming resistant and modifying themselves into multi-drug resistant strains. So there is a crucial need to introduce new antibiotics to fight against these pathogens. The synthetic antibiotics are effective, but unsafe as well as are not consistent to use owing to the resistance building capacity of the microbes. Consequently, there is greater need for alternative treatments. Medicinal plants are store house of various types of phytochemicals and considered as a potential therapeutic remedy for numerous ailment. Therefore the aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the leaves extract of Cajanus cajan (C. cajan)  L. against coliform bacteria collected from tannery, tobacco and sugar mill waste water. In this study fresh leaves of C. cajan was extracted by using ethyl acetate, chloroform and n-Hexane. The antibacterial activity of these plant extracts was determined by measuring zone of inhibition (ZI) using the Agar disk diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by using the microbroth dilution method. Among three extracts highest (25±0.18 mm, ZI) antibacterial activity was reported by ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves against coliform bacteria isolated from sugar mill waste water at the highest concentration with respect to chloroform and n-Hexane extracts. In addition, antibacterial activity was also higher for ethyl acetate extract against coliform bacteria isolated from tannery and tobacco waste water compared to remaining extracts. The MIC of the ethyl acetate extract ranged 550 to 570 µg/ml. Therefore ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves could be used as antibacterial agents against diseases caused by coliforms.},
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    AU  - Md. Rashed Nejum
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    AB  - Infectious diseases are one of the foremost causes of mortality and morbidity. In addition, day by day infection causing microbes are becoming resistant and modifying themselves into multi-drug resistant strains. So there is a crucial need to introduce new antibiotics to fight against these pathogens. The synthetic antibiotics are effective, but unsafe as well as are not consistent to use owing to the resistance building capacity of the microbes. Consequently, there is greater need for alternative treatments. Medicinal plants are store house of various types of phytochemicals and considered as a potential therapeutic remedy for numerous ailment. Therefore the aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the leaves extract of Cajanus cajan (C. cajan)  L. against coliform bacteria collected from tannery, tobacco and sugar mill waste water. In this study fresh leaves of C. cajan was extracted by using ethyl acetate, chloroform and n-Hexane. The antibacterial activity of these plant extracts was determined by measuring zone of inhibition (ZI) using the Agar disk diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by using the microbroth dilution method. Among three extracts highest (25±0.18 mm, ZI) antibacterial activity was reported by ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves against coliform bacteria isolated from sugar mill waste water at the highest concentration with respect to chloroform and n-Hexane extracts. In addition, antibacterial activity was also higher for ethyl acetate extract against coliform bacteria isolated from tannery and tobacco waste water compared to remaining extracts. The MIC of the ethyl acetate extract ranged 550 to 570 µg/ml. Therefore ethyl acetate extract of C. cajan leaves could be used as antibacterial agents against diseases caused by coliforms.
    VL  - 5
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Author Information
  • Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh

  • Department of Pharmacy, Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh

  • Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh

  • Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh

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